Florian Beisel 83753c3ee1
🔧 Create a configuration file interface
This commit adds the ability to provide a config file in different ways:

The following options are given in the order in which they are checked:
1. A config file path passed by the -c parameter on the command line
2. A config file path passed by the HS_CONFIGFILE environment variable
3. A config.json file in the application root

Should these fail we try to get the parameters for the config struct
directly from environment variables or secret files as used in a
container environment. As example the JwtKey can be supplied by either
passing the value through:

* An environment variable HS_CONFIG_JWTKEY which contains the value directly
* An environment variable HS_CONFIG_JWTKEY_FILE which contains a path
  pointing to the Secret File
2024-01-18 01:04:43 +01:00

77 lines
1.4 KiB

#################### Go.gitignore ####################
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# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE
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#################### VisualStudioCode.gitignore ####################
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#################### Custom.gitignore ####################
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# sqlite database
# config file